Pamer ahhhh.......
Kuteks : Wild n Crazy # Carissa (Fuchsia)
Flowery Image : China Glaze Adore (Teal Blue) with Konad Stamping Nail Art
Flowery Image : China Glaze Adore (Teal Blue) with Konad Stamping Nail Art

Buat yang belum tau Konad :
With Konad Stamping Nail Art you can create professional looking salon nails at your own home for a fraction of the salon price. Konad Nail Art Polish is specially formulated to work with the pre-designed image plates and stamping tools to achieve the high quality professional looking salon nails. Images can also be stamped onto your sunglasses, cell phones, earrings, mirrors, gift wraps, and any other plastic surfaces. It is fast, easy, and fun. Even kids can do it by themselves. It will unleash your creativity. You will absolutely love it. It's like magic!
source :
Jadi kita tinggal pilih design yang mau di-stamping ke kuku kita, pake special polish dengan warna yang kita mau, gesek plat nya dengan scraper yang udah disediakan, terus teken si stampernya ke design platenya (designnya akan berpindah dari plate ke stamper), baru deh di-stamping ke kuku kita. Sumpahh, alat ini canggih banget deh, bener-bener praktis dibandingkan kalo mesti pake stiker atau Aqualip (pulpen khusus buat gambarin kuku). Banyak juga sih yang bilang pake Konad ini susah, tapi menurut gw practice makes perfect!
With Konad Stamping Nail Art you can create professional looking salon nails at your own home for a fraction of the salon price. Konad Nail Art Polish is specially formulated to work with the pre-designed image plates and stamping tools to achieve the high quality professional looking salon nails. Images can also be stamped onto your sunglasses, cell phones, earrings, mirrors, gift wraps, and any other plastic surfaces. It is fast, easy, and fun. Even kids can do it by themselves. It will unleash your creativity. You will absolutely love it. It's like magic!
source :
Jadi kita tinggal pilih design yang mau di-stamping ke kuku kita, pake special polish dengan warna yang kita mau, gesek plat nya dengan scraper yang udah disediakan, terus teken si stampernya ke design platenya (designnya akan berpindah dari plate ke stamper), baru deh di-stamping ke kuku kita. Sumpahh, alat ini canggih banget deh, bener-bener praktis dibandingkan kalo mesti pake stiker atau Aqualip (pulpen khusus buat gambarin kuku). Banyak juga sih yang bilang pake Konad ini susah, tapi menurut gw practice makes perfect!
kl suka nail art mampir2 donk ke
salam knal yah :)
Dear anonymous...
aku udah pernah belanja disitu lohh..
waktu itu beli image plate konad sama dotting tools pas lagi disale..
thanks yaah udah mampir
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